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Buy Premium Keys

Buy Premium keys from with instant email delivery.

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Bitcoin Bitcoin
Ethereum Ethereum
Solana Solana
Dogecoin Dogecoin

How to activate RareFile Premium Key?

This is instruction on how to activate RareFile Premium Key purchased from RareFile Reseller:

1. At first you have to register and sign in at

2. Then open “My account” page:

3. Paste your RareFile Premium Key in “Apply Premium Key” and click “Apply” to become Premium user.


As one of the premier file hosting, uploading, downloading, and sharing site in the world, RareFile has enjoyed quite a bit of publicity among those who like being able to move documents or big clumps of data around without a problem. If your only interest in a file storage and sharing service is fast, efficient, and safe services, you won’t really have to look much further. What’s more, you have the option to use RareFile Account service for free if you want while still having the choice to go for the paid route.

As to why you would even want to choose to pay, there are plenty of benefits that you can gain by becoming a premium member. Before that, however, let’s take a look at some of the benefits that you can get from the service. First, there’s the matter of being able to download files at a fast rate, but the limit of the size is only 350MB. There’s also the fact that you need to wait for 30 seconds before you can download files, which can be annoying.

When you pay, however, you can get quite a few other perks. If the download speed for the free version,is fast, the speed for the Premium user is blinding. There is no limit to how many files and the size that,you download either, so you can go ahead and do so to your heart’s content. There are no delays, no,annoying Captchas, direct download options are available and so much more.

If you are more interested in uploading and sharing files, that’s not a problem either since you can do,that much more easily when you are a Premium user. If you choose the free route, it’s still possible to upload and share files, but there will be some limits. You need to decide if it’s worth the aggravation.